Real Estate Closing Lawyers

Florida Real Estate Law Firm Provides Guidance During Closing

Fort Pierce Real Estate Lawyers Will Protect Your Rights

Many participants in Florida residential real estate transactions fail to understand the closing process, but an experienced real estate attorney like those at Neill Griffin Marquis Osking, PLLC will help the process run efficiently, smoothly, and successfully.

Generally, after a purchase and sales contract is signed by the buyer and seller, the initial escrow deposit is made by the buyer, and a title search is requested and completed. At Neill Griffin Marquis Osking, PLLC, a Florida real estate attorney will prepare all the documents necessary to close the transaction. These documents typically include:

  • Deed
  • Bill of sale
  • Affidavits
  • FIRPTA certificate (for foreign sellers)
  • Closing statement, including instructions

Once the title has been cleared and the necessary documents prepared, a date and time to close the transaction will be scheduled. At the closing, an attorney will oversee all aspects of the closing and answer any questions either party may have relating to the transaction or any of the closing documents.

The seller will sign the deed and the other seller documents, and the buyer will sign the buyer’s documents and the loan documents (if the transaction is being financed), and both parties will be required to sign a settlement statement. After the closing is complete, the seller, real estate agents, and other parties to the transaction are paid, and certain documents are sent to be recorded in the Florida county in which the property is located.

Real Estate Representation You Can Trust on the Treasure Coast

Don’t attempt to close on a residential real estate purchase or sale without experienced legal representation. Florida Attorneys at Neill Griffin Marquis Osking, PLLC provide solid legal advice in all real estate matters, including the closing. Contact our firm online or call 772-464-8200 to schedule your free initial consultation today.

Contact Neill Griffin Marquis Osking, PLLC

For representation, call Neill Griffin Marquis Osking, PLLC at 772-464-8200 or contact us online, and inquire concerning a free initial consultation.

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